Recession, bear market, pullback, inflation, volatility… These are all headline-grabbing words being used to describe economic conditions today in the media. As always, we need to take the media with a grain of salt. In the news business, fear and worry sell news in both the print and digital world. Once we get below these [...]
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So far, stocks have been struggling in 2022; they fell especially hard in April and the trend appears to be continuing into May. While it’s human nature to be initially unsettled by market turbulence, this recent market volatility is not a reason to panic or sell all your positions. If you are a day trader, [...]
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By Ted Schumann II
With Hurricane Ida sweeping through the Gulf of Mexico and Louisiana, 95.65% of the Gulf Coast’s crude-oil production, or 1.741 million barrels a day, was shut down, as well as 93.75% of the region’s natural-gas production according to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement. One would think this would cause [...]
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by: Ted Schumann, II, MBA, MSF, AIF®, CFP®
When many 401(k) and Profit Sharing plans were first adopted by dental practices, the main focus was on sheltering tax. Owner-Doctors would set up these plans to allow for tax-deductible funding and tax-deferred investing for their employees and themselves. This worked very well historically, and still works [...]
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